Automobile News
Image Credit: Wikimedia
Image Credit: Wikimedia
Automobile News
Rivian produced 4,401 vehicles in the second quarter and delivered 4,467 vehicles. This means that the average pre-order rate accelerated in Q2 2022 compared to Q1 2022.
Automobile News
The Rivian team delivered strong results in the second quarter despite a challenging supply chain environment. He has built and delivered over 4,400 R1T, R1S and EDV 700 vehicles.
Automobile News
Our focus remains on increasing our regular facility to a full installed capacity of 150,000 units. Continue to address supply chain constraints, we are encouraged by the progress we are making.
Automobile News
As for commercial business, in July we partnered with Amazon to hold an event to announce the official launch of computing at locations across the country.
Automobile News
Since early 2021, we have been piloting to gather direct feedback from drivers. This partnership has helped us improve our computing products over the past 18 months.
Automobile News
We are currently driving the expansion of our DC fast-charging network, the Rivian Adventure Network. We believe that providing our customers with a seamless charging experience.
Automobile News
We are working to rapidly expand the network to popular routes, destinations, and major highways, initially in the United States and Canada, with many significant locations underway.
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