The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking contributions to the $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and..
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Innovation Partnership Program to improve the resilience and reliability of the U.S. power grid.
DOE seeks input from states, tribes, communities, utilities, project developers, and other key stakeholders to improve funding opportunity announcements later this year.
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and to improve the power grid and to guide the implementation of the 5-year fundraiser. In support of President Biden's bipartisan infrastructure bill.
These programs will accelerate the deployment of innovative projects that help ensure the reliability of the energy sector's infrastructure.
Giving all American communities access to affordable, reliable, clean electricity anytime, anywhere. while helping to achieve the President's goal of 100% clean power. 2035.
The bipartisan infrastructure bill includes historic investments to modernize transmission and distribution systems,
To improve grid reliability and resilience, and facilitate clean energy deployments across the country.
The first of these programs is the Grid Resilience Grants, which provides $2.5 billion in funding.
Support grid modernization activities to mitigate the effects of extreme weather and natural disasters.
In addition, DOE will be announcing final announcements for FY2022 and FY2023 funding opportunities, and will solicit concept papers and applications later this year.